How to Help Mother Nature and its environment by follow BIA simple steps. Lets together green the world and plant trees all around.
Join us and continue supporting our cause. Be energy efficient. Eat Wisely. Go wild in. Live Green. Measure your impact. Take action Now. Travel Light. Read More...
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Banco Internacional de Arboles is a leading provider of Carbon Management and suatainability services.
| or BIA supports four types of carbon offset projects; each type plays an important role in the fight against climate change. The projects we support are third-party certified to meet the same high standards that thousands of companies, organizations, and governments rely on to ensure quality environmental protection.
Join BIA and lets green the world
Costa Rica Forest |
How you can make a difference as traveler?. Each time you fly, or move to a destinations by car, plain, train you can offset your share of the carbon emissions released during your travel. Your contribution is then used to purchase offsets from carbon offset projects that provide genuine, lasting environ. Visit our partner Hotels and clear your carbon footprint. Lets together have a new age and a new way to travel. GET INVOLVED
"We help people and companies win more business through developing robust carbon & sustainability credentials, but we as comapany as a main goal are also looking to spread the green message and touch all the people at home. BIA can make your business and its products/services carbon neutral with high quality carbon offsets. We also help organisations with great ideas to reduce energy & transport costs."
Luis Villegas Vasquez
CEO BIA/ Costa Rica
Climate change and Carbon Markets News and articles
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Climate Change and Global warming. How to fight?
A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalization continues and the earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems
Climate Change studies and research. Real datasWelcome to BIA Carbon data center.
. Find studies and research from all over the world. Repository is the United Nations Environment Programme’s official platform for its research content and knowledge products. |