CO2 Calculator
Calculate carbon emission outputs from freight transport and shipping.
This tool calculates the CO2 emission for any route and transport mode, well-to-wheel. It's built on data from EcotransIT World, including emissions factors from Clean Cargo and a GLEC approved methodology. For more on the topic of CO2 emissions and supply chain management.

This carbon calculator is provided free to useShow you care for the environment and communities across the World by Carbon Offsetting.You can support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world. Just click the ‘Offset’ button after you have finished your calculation. It takes only a few easy clicks and costs only a few Pounds/Dollars/Euros per tonne CO2. You also get a personalised Certificate recognising your offsetting - makes an ideal gift too!
Leading Online Carbon CalculationTools Carbon Footprint software is an ideal tool to help raise awareness, measure emissions, reduce costs and engage staff in your carbon management programme.
Our Carbon Footprint software is the leading & authoritative calculation package that is also one of easiest to use – so much so that it has well over 1,000,000 users worldwide.
Checked regularly as part of the Quality Assurance Scheme, so you can be assured that our software is always up to date and accurate (unlike stand-alone off-line systems).
Our Carbon Footprint software has options to provide
- Full integration into your intranet / extranet / web-site
- Multi-user option (no limit on number of users)
- Automatic updating
- Fully Customisable - to fit with your needs & branding
- Multi-lingual
- DECC assessed methodology
- BEIS and other international metrics used
- Manage your account on-line
- Carbon reporting options – help understand use and manage emissions and costs
Contact us now to arrange your Carbon Footprint Standard assessment for companies to info@bancodearboles,com